Budgeting for a Convention Part 1

Attending a convention can be expensive, but even more expensive if you plan on attending multiple events in a year. Between the cost of multiple tickets, transportation, food, and accommodations, the expenses add up quickly. You shouldn't need a 6 figure job to attend all the events you want to in a year. In this blog post, I'll explore some advice for budgeting and saving money for conventions.

Plan Ahead and Set a Budget

The first step would be to give yourself a budget, break down the cost of attending the convention and include all the expenses for that day. You can look at my daily cost of attending a convention. Everyone's budget is different, you need to determine how much you can realistically afford to spend on the convention and stick to that budget. You can give yourself some leeway, its ok to overspend and its ok to not spend all your budgeted money. You can use a spreadsheet or an app to keep track of your expenses, which can help you avoid overspending and going into debt. Anime Expo provides a budget template here

Planning ahead can also help you save money. Research the convention in advance, including the location, dates, and schedule. Check for any discounts or promotions offered by the convention or its sponsors, such as early bird ticket prices, student discounts, or military discounts. Make sure to factor in the cost of transportation, accommodations, and meals in your budget.

Buy Tickets Early

If you can afford to, one of the best ways to save money on convention tickets is to purchase them early. Many conventions offer early bird discounts or other promo codes for those that purchase their tickets in advance. Usually this means purchasing badges before any guests get announced so I only suggest this for events that have a good record of guests, events, and schedules that you have liked in the past. Check the convention website or social media accounts for any discounts or coupon codes.

Usually conventions also offer multi-day passes that are cheaper than single day passes. Make sure to compare prices and packages to find the best deal for your needs. You might only want to visit a convention for one day to meet a specific guest or attend a unique event.

Utilize the Hotel Block

Conventions and Expos tend to take place in or near hotels and they set up deals with those hotels for special rates. These are called hotel blocks and are usually the best and cheapest way to attend a convention you have to travel to. They offer special rates that are connected to the convention and might need a unique link or access code. By being in a hotel near the convention you don't have to worry about travel costs.

While staying at the hotel connected to the convention center can be convenient, sometimes you can get a cheaper accommodation by renting a large Airbnb. If you're attending the convention with friends, you can split the cost to make it cheaper individually. Just make sure to factor in the cost of transportation to and from the convention center.

Bring Your Own Food and Snacks

Food can be expensive at conventions, and you might have to wait over an hour just to eat. By bringing your own snacks and drinks to an event  you can save money and save time from waiting in lines. Some conventions don't allow outside food but you can still pack your own lunch to eat in a nearby park or outside. Bringing snacks can also hold you over for the duration of the convention allowing you to eat after. 

You can also budget food accordingly, some conventions bring food trucks that have unique foods or special collaborations. Having a food budget also allows you to try new foods and would also allow you some time to relax in between a busy convention. Below is a look at the types of food available at Anime Expo:

Attend Free Events

There are events and activities that are included in the price of admission. Besides checking the convention schedule for events check out the social media of the companies attending and see if they are running any free events concurrently to the event. These can be a great way to save money and still have fun. Anime Expo has a community stage that offers many free performances from many talented artists. If you're interested in paid events, make sure to compare prices and benefits to find the best value. For example, concerts have tiered pricing where the closer tickets are more expensive.

There are also free conventions you can attend. Harajuku Day Los Angeles is a monthly free convention held on the third Saturday. There's also Sugoi Saturday in Anaheim: Sugoi Sunday

By following these tips, you can save money and still enjoy the convention experience. Remember to plan ahead, set a budget, and be selective with your purchases. With a little bit of effort, you can make the most of your convention experience without breaking the bank. Look forward to part 2 coming later this week!

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