Anime Expo 2024 Gates and Entrances Guide

Anime Expo is a big convention, the largest anime convention in the Americas, and brings in a lot of people, more than 100k unique visitors every year since 2016. Getting inside is crucial for those who want to get exclusive items, finish stamp rallies, or get autograph tickets. This will be a picture guide for those who need help understanding the new gates and how it entering AX will work this year 

Mahoko Gate:  (Side of South Hall on Fig)

Direct Entry to South Hall
Closest to Exhibit Hall, Kentia Hall, and artist alley.
Will let you enter into the left side of the South hall lobby

AI Gate: (Fig and Pico)

Close to South Hall Entrance, you enter from the right hand side of the convention center. 
Closest entrance from Metro Line A (Pico/Flower)
Close to Panel Lines behind the convention center

Kisegi Gate: (Fig and 12th)

Closest Entry to West Hall/Entertainment Hall
Closest to Autograph Booth

Xeno Gate: (Pico and LA Live Way)

Back Entry
Closest to Most Panel Room Queue Lines (Via Stairs)
Closest to Main Events Room Queue Line (Via Stairs)
Close South Hall Entry, you will enter from the left side.

Max Gate: (Chick Hearn Ct and LA Live Way)

Close entry to West Hall/Entertainment Hall
Closest to Petree Hall Queue Lines
Closest entry/exit to/from the Shuttle Area

JW entrance

You enter here for Autograph sessions

Registration and Ticketing

To pick up your badge, 18+ wristband, and ADA credentials

Additional Information

AX uses an AI scanner for bag checks,. You just walk through and do not need to take off your backpack unless instructed to do so. 

The front of the South hall will only be used as an Exit.

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Here is a drawn map of how the gates are set up and how the foot traffic will flow:


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