Anime Expo Badge Guide
The next part of my Anime Expo Guides. I have written about the new gates , the new autograph process, and a variety of other guides on attending conventions . Anime Expo recently sent out an email telling fans to get ready for AX 2025, and this guide's purpose is to help you get familiar with how to buy a badge, what to expect, and the subsequent hotel registration. Money These were the badge prices last year in USD: 4-Day: $150 1-Day Thursday: $75 1-Day Friday: $80 1-Day Saturday: $85 1-Day Sunday: $70 Child Pass (6-13 years): $40 AX tends to increase badge prices every year, so expect a $5-$10 dollar increase for 2025 badges. You need to add tax at 9.5% and shipping which is only available in the US and Canada. I suggest buying the 4-Day badge and buying your badge as early that is convenient to you. I'll explain later. The second Monday, 8th of January 2025 is when I believe official inform...